Assistant Professor Rosalynde Fenner Elected National Parliamentarian for NOBLE
On Tuesday, August 13, 2019, Assistant Professor Rosalynde M. Fenner, was elected as the National Parliamentarian for the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) during NOBLE’s 43rd Annual Training Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans, LA. Professor Fenner is a retired Supervisory Special Agent with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. She has been a member of NOBLE since 1991 and a Life member since 2004. Professor Fenner is the Founding President and is the Immediate Past President of the Eastern North Carolina Chapter of NOBLE (ENC). Professor Fenner currently serves as Treasurer. She was instrumental in starting a collegiate chapter of NOBLE within the ENC in 2011 and with a push for engaging collegiate members on the national level is working to formalize a collegiate chapter at Saint Augustine’s University with its own charter in October of this year. Professor Fenner is a proud graduate of Saint Augustine’s University; Class of 1985.