29 Aug 2014

Financial Literacy/Financial Wellness Marketing Competition Showcased Creativity of St. Aug Students

Financial Literacy/Financial Wellness Marketing Competition Showcased Creativity of St. Aug Students

The School of Business and Technology held a Financial Literacy/Financial Wellness Marketing Campaign Contest sponsored by State Farm Insurance. Students, as an individual or team, had an opportunity to compete for prize money. Each person/team was given 10 to 12 minutes to make a marketing pitch for their insurance company. After each presentation, the participants answered questions from the judges and audience members.

The winner, Xavier Montgomery-Lee, a senior from Bronx, New York majoring in business administration, stated that he worked a lot of late nights to prepare for the contest.

“All my hard work and dedication has finally come to light for the world to see,” Montgomery-Lee said.

First place winner, Montgomery-Lee, won $1,000. The award for second place was $600. The winners were Leroy Cofield, Brianca Jeffery and Shaia Scott. Each received $200. The third player winner was Alex Byron Munro and he received $400.

“The Financial Literacy/Financial Wellness Marketing competition was absolutely fantastic,” Carter said. “The students who participated in the competition did a top notch job and they should all be commended for a job well done! I am so very proud of them individually and collectively. Overall, I would say the evening provided an excellent time for the students involved in the competition to showcase their research and hone their presentation skills.”

The competition was sponsored by State Farm Insurance and two representatives from State Farm were a part of a three judge panel.

“The judges were thorough in their assessment, their questions and their deliberations to pick the winners,” Carter said. “I truly hope that the School of Business and Technology will be able to build on to what we were able to accomplish with State Farm’s support this year.”

The judges were State Farm Agent Lisa Davis, State Farm Agency Field Executive Jackie D. Newkirk and the department chair for Sport Management Jason Perry.